After a week - off from training, I have gain approximately 6kg. As I step back into the gym for some weight training, I felt so weak and tired. Nevertheless I still have to train as I'm preparing my self for something big in October. I have another month to train here in Melbourne before heading back to Malaysia to visit my family in July. A while back I was consuming large amount of food every 5days contain a large amount of carbs before reducing them slowly or cycling them.

15 weeks out - Nutrition
Meal 1 - 100 to 200grm of Oats with 2 whole egg
Meal 2 - 100g of Kangaroo/ Turkey
Meal 3 - 100g of Kangaroo/ Turkey and 100g of mix nuts

Pre.Work - Shakes/Nitrix Oxide with Waxy maize starch
Post.Work- Shake with Waxy maize starch

Meal 4 - 150g of Kangaroo/ Turkey/ Beef and 100g of mix nuts
Meal 5&6 - 100g of Kangaroo/ Turkey
Meal 7 - 200g of Kangaroo/ Turkey
My training program will start to change every 4 week when I'm 15weeks out from a show. As for now my training program consist of high volume also I'm experimenting a few training program and techniques to see if it suitable for me.
hey what are your thoughts on pre-workout supplements. Do you rely heavily on them? do you feel any difference working out without pre-workout as a constant user of these supplements?
ReplyDeletecheers mate.
Pre-workotut supplement are essential to my training especially when I'm 6 to 8 weeks away from a contest. Pre-workout supplement has stimulant and several types of amino than may help the user to push harder and train longer in the gym and so my answer Yes, lots of difference towards my workout with and without them.
ReplyDeleteNo worries ..