I originally started training in the gym to improve my overall strength, and paddling endurance for my surfing. Over time I noticed that I was able, and lucky enough to build muscle quite easily. After a few years training there were a few guys in the gym that gave me a little nudge and persuaded me to get on stage.
Q. Does your training change depending on if you are getting ready for a contest or if it is the off-season? Describe to them.
No my weight training stays the same in and out of contest prep. I figure why change anything. Off season I’m trying to put on muscle and leading into a show I’m still trying to put on muscle or at least keep everything I’ve got. So why change? The only difference is that I do cardio during my comp prep.
Q Do you sit down and put together a plan for your next competition or are you methodical when it comes to tracking your progress?
Come 12-14 weeks out of a show I’ll register for the show and book flights and accommodation needed. Once this is done I feel committed and locked in and go through the contest prep. I’ve been competing for 8 years now and have an intuitive approach to my prep.
Q. You have a Personal Training business. In your view, what credentials does a successful trainer need? How does one maintain a steady client base?
Firstly a successful trainer needs to have a sporting or fitness back ground. Someone who already trains and lives the lifestyle. Then appropriate qualifications are needed for insurance and registration purposes- Certificate IV fitness/ P.T. I strongly believe that most of the P.T training fitness academies, do not teach you enough to be a successful trainer. A University degree in Human movement or sports science is highly recommended, especially if you don’t have a sporting fitness background.
Once you have a full steady client base I find you get busier and it’s easy to maintain because your current client base recommend and refer, friend’s family etc. If you are busy training clients as well, you are also seen on the gym floor a lot and are recognised as a successful trainer. So naturally people will want to train with you.
To build up the client base is hard
- Spend as much time on the gym floor as possible so you are recognised
- Don’t be afraid to offer introductory or complimentary P.T sessions to get people started.
- Group sessions are great as you get more exposure and can tap into more friend and family referrals.
- Look the part. Stay fit and healthy
- Win something so your clients have bragging rights. I train with Mr Melbourne or my trainer is an ex Carlton player, boxing champ, Ironman triathlete etc.
Q. Besides working as a personal trainer, what do you do in your spare time?
I enjoy going fishing, surfing and do as much snowboarding as I can in our short winter months here in Australia. I enjoy spending quality time with my wife Lauran and son Ollie. I like to catch up with friends and family around a good meal and I don’t mind a bit of X-box 360.
Q. How long have you been married and does bodybuilding affect your Marriage, in what way?
I’ve been married for 17 months, but Lauran and I have been together for over 8 years so she well and truly knew what she was getting into haha! No it doesn’t affect our marriage or relationship. It’s just something I do and the majority of the time it doesn’t get in the way of our day to day lives.
Q. How do you feel about the future of natural bodybuilding? What are your thoughts on the current state of bodybuilding as a whole, and its future?
Natural bodybuilding has definitely grown in the years I have been competing. Natural bodybuilding is on the way up in Australia. Bodybuilding as a whole unfortunately is on a steady decline. It just isn’t really accepted by the general community and will always carry a negative stigma with its association with anabolic androgenic steroids.
Q. Can you tell us a little bit about the contest that gave you the pro-card?
I was awarded a PNBA Pro card when I won the overall INBA Natural Olympia over in Reno Nevada U.S.A. This show is known as the pinnacle of Natural Bodybuilding. The show ran smoothly and the accommodation and contest venue were in the same hotel/casino entertainment complex, which was world class. It made things so much easier. The show was run over three days and had other fitness components/show attached to it. There were strong man comps; arm wrestling comps, mini fitness expo etc. The quality and line ups were great. Especially the Masters competitors.
Q. What is your ultimate goal in the sport of bodybuilding?
My goal has always been to just improve from year to year.

Be consistent and patient with everything you do. Train, eat, sleep consistently and be patient because it won’t happen overnight. That’s two secrets for you J

My sponsors - Activewear online who stock and supply me with Gasp and Better Bodies lifestyle clothing range. All there gear is so comfortable, hardwearing and look awesome. www.activewearonline.com.au
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