Good day to everyone and we're in the fourth week of a Healthy Lifestyle. I'm so excited because we have reach this far and I hope all my readers out there will continue your journey as I will help you reach your goal.
"If you have achieve your goal, means I have achieve mine".
Today I'm going to share some tips regarding on exercise. Any kind of exercise may feel hard in the beginning but with some practice and consistency, your body gets stronger and you may even start to enjoy. Choose something that fits your personality and lifestyle. Everyone has a different level of fitness, and exercising at a pace that is right for you is important. Any kind of exercise that you're performing shouldn't cause you pain, it can be fun and doesn't have to be organised or even cost money.
"If you have achieve your goal, means I have achieve mine".
Today I'm going to share some tips regarding on exercise. Any kind of exercise may feel hard in the beginning but with some practice and consistency, your body gets stronger and you may even start to enjoy. Choose something that fits your personality and lifestyle. Everyone has a different level of fitness, and exercising at a pace that is right for you is important. Any kind of exercise that you're performing shouldn't cause you pain, it can be fun and doesn't have to be organised or even cost money.

Exercising and being active helps you to stay fit and healthy. Activity also helps you avoid depression, stress and boredom. You'll be more alert mentally. Exercise provides you with a set of concrete attainable goals mirroring the striving, pain and gain of everyday life. Then there’s the well-known endorphin factor. It’s hard to over-estimate the positive fallout of a good exercise program. Exercise fights against anxiety and depression. It improves sleep, burns calories, raises “good” HDL cholesterol, decreases the effects of aging and chronic disease such as atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Why you need to exercise?
- Getting fit
- Cardiovascular
- Strength training
- Flexibility
- Losing weight
- Recovering from Injury
We know being active promotes a healthier life. By performing a regular exercise with a moderate amount of activity performed three to five days per week can improve your heart health, improve your heart disease risk factors, improve your strength and feeling of well-being. What it all comes down to is that exercise is very good for you, and a little daily exercise is better than none at all. It really is important enough for you to make time for it.
There are four main types of exercise.
- Resistance exercise - Resistance exercises uses weights, springs or bands. They increase muscle power and ability to help large muscles burn fat and larger muscles are enablers for aerobic exercise.
- Aerobic exercise - requires the consumption more oxygen than at rest. It involves repeated movements of the large muscles of your body. Examples include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling.
- Stretches - The risk of injury seems to be about equal for those who stretch and those who do not stretch before exercise. Stretching seems to offer more long term benefit such as maintaining functional flexibility and correcting particular muscular imbalance.
- Agility and speed - This kind of exercise used at competitive level but performing it in a training regime can be very beneficial for daily lifestyle.

To be safe and give you the most benefit, your program should be:
- Aerobic: this type of activity increases the rate and depth of your breathing, raises your heart rate and uses the large muscle groups. Examples include walking, cycling or swimming.
- Regular: moderate intensity activity performed on most days of the week (starting with small amounts of activity and building up to 30 to 40 minutes of continuous activity, or if you prefer, 10 minutes increments throughout the day to equal 30 to 40 minutes
- Safe: adults with health problems (such as heart disease, diabetes or obesity) or those at high risk, men over age 40 and women over age 50 should talk with their doctor before starting an exercise program.
An exercise session should start with a gradual warm-up period. It should take about 5 to 10 minutes before your exercise program. You should slowly stretch your muscles and then gradually increase the level of activity. If walking/ jogging is your activity begin with slow tempo and then pick up the pace. After you have finished exercising take about 5 to 10minutes to cool down. Again, stretch and cool down your muscles and let your heart rate slow down gradually. You can use the same stretches as in the warm-up period.

- Elevation of body temperature
- Reduce muscular injuries
- Supply blood flow to the heart
- aid in the dissipation of waste products - including lactic acid
- reduce the potential for Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
- reduce the chances of dizziness or fainting caused by the pooling of venous blood at the extremities
- reduce the level of adrenaline in the blood, allows the heart rate to return to it's resting rate

Action Plan
Choose your favorite activity
Record your activity in the exercise program
Start your activity today
What on next week
Target Heart Rate
Sources & Images are courtesy of :
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