Gaspari Nutrition by far one of the greatest brand that create product that works for everyone. Nutrition are the key ingredient to achieve a great physique. As I'm getting closer to a contest I will invest most of my time in the gym and of course on my supplements.
Currently I'm consuming Gaspari Myofusion

Why Myofusion ?
- Protein blend is a great supplement to gain and still keep that lean look.
- It contain CLA increase metabolic rate & promote burning fats.
- Only 5g of carbs
- contains Whey Hydrolysate (rapid absorption & easy on digestive system)
My Protocol
Directions for Gaspari Nutrition MyoFusion Hydro:
Depending on your individual protein needs, mix 1 to 3 scoops of MyoFusion with 6 to 18oz. of cold water or milk (6oz. per scoop) in a shaker or blender, or simply stir into solution with a spoon. For maximum results, drink MyoFusion™ 2 to 4 times a day.
Special thanks to my sponsor fitnutritions.com