Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You Are What You Eat

Let us try an experiment. Have a look in you fridge and investigate what food you have in there, fresh fruits and veggies, or does it contain cheeses and dairy? How about your pantry – is it full of simple carbs and treats, or raw nuts, whole grains? Whether you see healthy food or not the old saying is true You Are What You Eat.

Mental health can be significantly improved by simple change in diet - according to mental health charity Mind. Improving mood means eating less of the foods that work against you. Comfort foods are not really your friends by limiting how much you eat of these foods will go a long way toward improving mood.

Sugary and starchy foods cause the highest peaks and the deepest blood sugar crashes of all. In addition these high density carbs cause you to eat even more of them. Sugar is addictive, causes bad mood, weight gain and diabetes. If you are serious about improving mood then try mango, berries, pineapple, yogurt or a smoothie as an alternative dessert.Replace white rice, flour and pasta products with the whole grain variety. Brown rice, whole grain breads and pasta contain more fibre and less high density carbs. That means more energy and better mood.

Many foods and drinks cause sudden spikes in the blood sugar level. The body compensates and the blood sugar level plummets lower than before you ate. Your mood sinks and you feel the need to eat another comfort food or take a big cup of coffee. This helps in the short term but soon you'll feel jittery and need another fix.

Improving mood means eating less of the foods that work against you. Comfort foods are not really your friends. Limiting how much you eat of these foods will go a long way toward improving mood.

Action Plan

Eating healthfully is a lifetime habit, so remaining aware will serve you in your weight loss or maintenance

Sources & Images courtesy of:


1 comment:

  1. For the health freaks hypocritical. I am 58 5ft 7in and weighs 83 pounds I have to work like hell to get thinner. Maybe because I put on weight after smoking cessation (4 years, since you ask) and have spinal injuries and athsma that make difficult the exercise.
