Thursday, March 17, 2011

Menu of the week

6 weeks out from INBA Rookie and half way completing the Max's Muscle up Challenge 2011. A few changes in my menu and daily activities. I'm a strong believer that to get a good muscle fullness and condition, a combination of cardiovascular training and the right nutrition is the key. So what are the right nutrition, some say low carbs, high protein with high fat (ketogenic diet) will give you the best physique, some would say high fat, very low carbs that are only recommended and it go by phases (atkins diet). Remember, the goal here is to compete in bodybuilding and bring a great condition with a flawless physique.

If I were to chose either 1, none will I choose because to make my muscle look full glycogen need to be replenish but than again I would use ketogenic diet close to contest just to deplete it before carbing up occur. Some of you may disagree but this work best for me and it may not work for some of you. So try it to understand it. 
As for atkins diet, the diet is design to lose weight and I have no issue with weight unless I'm a women. 

If my weight is high means I'm fat and if my weight is low means I have lose some amount of fat, correct ? Wrong !!

Approximately 60% - 78% of our body weight is water and as we know carbohydrate do holds water. So when someone is not having any carbs in their diet or only consume so little guess what will happen. They lose water weight. People should change their mentality from losing weight means losing fat to "I don't care what's the weight but I just wanna lose fat"

I have explain why I choose to have carbohydrate in my diet and I hope this logical reason will help you notice that  a balance diet consist of protein/carbohydrate/fat is the right way. No matter what sports or goal our body need a balance diet. Cheers

6 weeks out

Breakfast  - 100grm of Turkey + veggies + 200grm sweet potato
Meal 2      - 100grm of Turkey + veggies + 1 tsp olive oil
Pre/work   - 200grm sweet potato + veggies
P/w Shake 
P/w meal   - 100grm of Turkey + veggies + 200grm sweet potato
 Meal 5     -  100grm of Turkey + veggies + 100grm sweet potato
Dinner       - 100grm of Turkey + veggies + 1 tsp olive oil
Supper      - 150grm of Turkey + veggies 

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