Sunday, January 23, 2011

Setting Goal

The position, direction, or way in which something, such as an automatic control, is set.
The context and environment in which a situation is set; the background.

The aim or object towards which an endeavour is directed
The terminal point of a journey or race  

By setting a goal, you have clearly stated what you want and not for others desire. You will gain more confidence with every step that you take get closer to you goal. The commitment that you put into yourself is your action plan, with this commitment you will utilize all the time to achieve it. Your goal let you design your future. You may not be where you want to be today but you are able to see what tomorrow can bring. One you start to take action, you are able to see possibilities and opportunities that were probably there all along but because you were not focused, you could not see them. Once you have accomplish your first goal, you are highly motivated to set new one. You able to move forward with a clearer purpose where each accomplishment has a greater incentive to achieve even more.

SMART Goal setting
  • S = Specific
  • M = Measurable
  • A = Attainable
  • R = Realistic
  • T = Time

SPECIFIC is the question to you goal. Why? How? What?

My goal is to lose body fat and to win the competitionlet it be a specific goal, to have 8% body fat and to win <70kg category

MEASURABLE is "establishing concrete criteria to measure progress toward the attainment of each goal you set".                                                    

Create a short term and mid term goal because every goal that you accomplish motivates you and push you closer to you long term goal

ATTAINABLE  by identifying your goal you will figure out ways to make them come true. You develop that attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them. You begin to see opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals.

REALISTIC  is creating a plan or a way of getting there which makes the goal realistic. The goal needs to be realistic for you and where you are at the moment, be sure to set goals that you can attain with some effort! If its to difficult you'll set the stage for failure.

TIME is to set a time frame for the goal. Time must be measurable, attainable and realistic.
Everyone will benefit from goals and objectives if they are SMART.

"My goal is to lose 1% of body fat every 2 weeks and 1lb of weight every 2 weeks".        

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